We sign our Voice Elements Platform (HMP Elements) executable. This means that when you start it up, Microsoft tries to verify the signature with our certificate authority. However, sometimes this can take longer than the time allotted to a service to start up, so Windows may cancel the service startup.
To fix this issue, we recommend changing the default timeout time to 120 seconds (from 30 seconds.)
Changing the Default Timeout
Option 1 – Ignore Validating the Certificate:
Direct .NET to ignore validating the certificate with the CA.
To do this, you can modify VoiceElementsServer.exe.config and HmpElementsServer.exe.config and add this setting just before the closing configuration tag:
<runtime> <generatePublisherEvidence enabled="false"/> </runtime>
** Don’t forget to restart the server.
Option 2 – Edit the Registry Setting:
Extend the amount of time that Windows has before a service times out.
Open up the Registry Editor by opening “RegEdit” from the command line, and browse to the following location: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control
From the details pane look for an entry named “ServicesPipeTimeout“. If it does not exist, then you should create it. You can do this by right clicking and selecting “New DWORD” in the details pain. Give it the name “ServicesPipeTimeout”
Once it’s created, right-click the ServicesPipeTimeout entry and then click “Modify“.
Click Decimal and enter the new timeout value in milliseconds and then click OK. We prefer 120000 (120 seconds.)
** Don’t forget to restart the server.